Aerial Operations

 Aerial Drone Operations

 UAV Service Features

Business Intelligence | Surveillance & Analysis

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 Surveying & Mapping

 Telecommunications & Energy

 Environmental & Agricultural 

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Aerial Photography

 Real Estate

 Movie & Video


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Emergency Services

 Emergency Management

 Disaster Preparedness & Mitigation

 Disaster Relief & Recovery SVCS

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A Different Approach

At PRIVILEGE INDUSTRIES LLC, we believe the spirit under which your company was formed is a vital part of its future growth. We won’t tell you to change your corporate culture or anything else that makes your business an amazingly unique enterprise.



Unique Solutions

Though our services are divided into basic areas of marketing, finance, production and growth, we treat all our clients as individuals and don’t think a one-sized-fits-all solution will work. We’ll help you develop a customized plan to your unique position.



Quality Over Quantity

We believe in honoring the unique assets that has grown your business so far, and hire only the very best team to help you take your business further into the future with success and satisfaction in knowing that you chose our company to do so.


Our Talented Consultants

Determined to create something better. With an amazing assortment of contacts in the tech industry, Fortune 500 and some of the best marketers in the world, they created a dynamic company of consultants, creators, editors and aerial drone operations ready and able to take a small business in hand and turn it into a growing, dynamic powerhouse.


Member 1

  • President of Flight Operations

Member 2

  • The Team Players

  • The Ideas Shop

  • Consolation Central

  • Our Pledge